Beccafico sardines

Beccafico sardines


- 500 gr of sardines
- 150 gr of fresh breadcrumbs
- 50 gr of sultanina raisins
- 50 gr of pine nuts 
- one garlic clove
- one tuft of parsley 
- one lemon
- one teaspoon of sugar
- one pinch of salt
- 5 tablespoons of olive oil
- laurel

Beccafico sardines


Clean the sardines and put aside. Add breadcrumbs, olive oil, salt, crushed garlic clove, chopped parsley, pine nuts, black pepper, sugar, raisins, lemon juice and lemon peel to a bowl and mix the ingredients. If necessary, add additional oil. Place some of the filling on one sardine, roll it and place on a baking pan; repeat the step for each sardine alternating the rolls with a laurel leaf. Moisten the sardine rolls with olive oil and the remaining lemon juice, then bake at 180°C for 15 minutes.

Sarde a beccafico

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