


- 300 ml of water
- 50 gr of olive oil
- 10 gr of sourdough starter
- 500 gr of durum flour 
- 4 eggs



Put the eggs in a small pot in cold water on the stove, bring to boil and immediately turn off the flame leaving them in the boiling water for 3 minutes. Remove them from water and let them cool down. Melt the sourdough starter in a bit of warm water and warm up the remaining water. In the remaining warm water melt salt and add oil. Pour the obtained liquid mixing it with wide and quick movements until obtaining a compact mixture. Make the mixture the shape of a ball, wrap it with parchment paper and put it in a container covered with a towel. Let the mixture rise for at least one hour and a half. Create 4 loafs and put an egg in the middle of each one. Bake for 45-50 minutes. Cool down and place the “cannileri” on the Easter table. 

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