Zibibbo (Moscato d'Alessandria)
Passito is produced from the Zibibbo grapes that grow in the DOC di Pantelleria area and is one of the world-renowned sweet wines. The resulting wine has an unmistakable intense amber color. The aroma captivates for its fragrances of ripe fruit and raisins, with notes of candied citrus and dry fruit. To the palate it expresses great sweetness and softness, with a good structure and pleasantly balanced.

Characteristics of the grape
Large, sub-round tending towards ovoidal, thick skin, consistent and pruinose, with a yellowish-green colour.
Crunchy pulp with an intense Muscat flavour.

Sensory profile of the wine
The Moscato di Alessandria, more commonly known as Zibibbo, produces wines with a pleasant aroma of orange blossom and white peach, characterized by enchanting citrus notes.
The resulting wine is straw-yellow in colour tending towards amber because the grapes underwent drying before vinification.
The scent is recognizable for its marked aromaticity and for the fruity hints of raisins, candied citrus and dry fruit. It normally had a great structure and an important flavour-olfactory persistence.